Research Resources
Britannica School (espanol) - News, biographies, atlas, demographics, general information
Issues and Controversies - A comprehensive online source of up-to-date, in-depth, and objective information on the most prominent and hotly-debated issues of the day
Learn 360 - Multimedia research resources including audio, video, maps, STEM lessons and more.
Explora Secondary Schools - Full text from magazines, news, reviews, books, academic journals and books.
BrainPop (espanol)- Video tutorials covering topics in subject areas including art, science, history, engineering and more.
EBSCOhost Web - Access to all available EBSCO subscription databases.
MackinVia - Access to eBooks, read-alongs, audiobooks, databases, videos and more.
Student Portals
MMA Online Grades (
MMA Student Email (
Classroom Software
College Board Advance Placement
Lingoco Classroom Language Learning
History Reference eBook Collection (EBSCO)
Literary Reference eBook Collection (EBSCO)
Science Reference eBook Collection (EBSCO)
MackinVia - Access to eBooks, read-alongs, audiobooks, databases, videos and more.
College and Careers
Colleges Majors 101 - An educational resource dedicated to helping students learn about college majors
Careers - Provides details of specific careers including technology, science, social media, outdoors and many more
College Board(SAT/ College Search Engine) - Register for the SAT or search for college websites
ACT Test - Register for the ACT test
SAT Test - Register for the SAT test
College Application Information - This page provides basic information required by students to complete SAT/ACT and college applications.
You Science - A test that will match you to your best-fit personalized career path
Career Cluster Interest Survey - Minnesota State Careerwise - Uses your activities, personal qualities, and favorite subjects to find related careers.
CareerOneStop WorkForce Professinals video - A video that describing tools and resources offered.
Suggested Reading