MMA Logo

Marine Military Academy

Harold James Memorial Library

Research Resources

MMA Library Catalog

Britannica School (espanol) - News, biographies, atlas, demographics, general information

Issues and Controversies - A comprehensive online source of up-to-date, in-depth, and objective information on the most prominent and hotly-debated issues of the day

Learn 360 - Multimedia research resources including audio, video, maps, STEM lessons and more.

History Reference Center

Science Reference Center

Literary Reference Center

Explora Secondary Schools - Full text from magazines, news, reviews, books, academic journals and books.

BrainPop (espanol)- Video tutorials covering topics in subject areas including art, science, history, engineering and more.

EBSCOhost Web - Access to all available EBSCO subscription databases.

MackinVia - Access to eBooks, read-alongs, audiobooks, databases, videos and more.


Student Portals

MMA Online Grades (

MMA Student Email (

Special Leave

Tarleton State Canvas


Classroom Software

College Board Advance Placement

Lingoco Classroom Language Learning

Rosettastone Classroom

Savvas (spanish)



EBSCO eBook Collection

History Reference eBook Collection (EBSCO)

Literary Reference eBook Collection (EBSCO)

Science Reference eBook Collection (EBSCO)

MackinVia - Access to eBooks, read-alongs, audiobooks, databases, videos and more.


College and Careers

Colleges Majors 101 - An educational resource dedicated to helping students learn about college majors

Careers - Provides details of specific careers including technology, science, social media, outdoors and many more

College Board(SAT/ College Search Engine) - Register for the SAT or search for college websites

ACT Test - Register for the ACT test

SAT Test - Register for the SAT test

College Application Information - This page provides basic information required by students to complete SAT/ACT and college applications.

You Science - A test that will match you to your best-fit personalized career path

Career Cluster Interest Survey - Minnesota State Careerwise - Uses your activities, personal qualities, and favorite subjects to find related careers.

CareerOneStop WorkForce Professinals video - A video that describing tools and resources offered.


Suggested Reading

MMA Summer Reading List (pdf)


mma library